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Hitachi Health Insurance Society
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Privacy Policy

Specific handling of personal information

1. Personal information is used solely for limited purposes (identification and announcement of purposes of use).

When handling personal information of our members, we will identify and announce the purposes of use.
Specific purposes of use of personal information

2. We acquire personal information appropriately and strive to ensure that personal data is accurate (appropriate acquisition, ensuring accuracy).

We do not acquire personal information by deceptive or other inappropriate means. We strive to keep the content of personal information accurate and up to date to achieve the intended purposes of use.

3. Personal information is securely managed, with appropriate supervision of the employees and subcontractors handling the information (security management measures, supervision of employees and subcontractors).

We implement security measures to ensure secure management of personal information. In addition, we provide education and training to Health Insurance Society employees and undertake appropriate supervision of subcontractors to protect personal information.

4. We provide personal data to third parties in strict accordance with rules (restrictions on provision to third parties).

In principle, we do not provide personal data to third parties without the prior consent of the individual concerned. However, under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, cases of subcontracting operations and joint use of personal data within the scope necessary to achieve the intended purposes of use do not constitute provision to third parties.
Subcontracting operations
Joint use of personal data

When subcontracting operations, we will conclude contracts with subcontractors with regard to security management measures for the handling of personal information and periodically confirm that these operations are appropriately performed.
Prior consent to provision to third parties

5. We will handle requests from individuals concerned for the disclosure, correction, or suspension of use of personal information in accordance with relevant rules (disclosure, correction, or suspension of use of personal data).

If the individual concerned requests the disclosure, etc. of personal data retained by the Health Insurance Society, we will respond by issuing a written document to the individual or by other means. If we are unable to carry out such disclosure, etc., we will explain the reason therefor. We will respond swiftly and appropriately upon the occurrence of any complaints.
Procedures for disclosure, etc. of personal data

Chief Privacy Officer: Director-General